Official Chapters
The chapters listed on this page are just a few of the many groups working towards fulfilling the Red Nation Prophecy of TÈŸašúÅ‹ke Witkó. While these chapters represent a significant portion of our Union, this list is not comprehensive and we are continually expanding our network.
Once we receive your membership application, our membership coordinators will be in touch to connect you with a relevant chapter.
As a financially contributing member, you have the opportunity to start a new chapter in your community. Our Union welcomes individuals who are passionate about the principles of Indigenous Autonomism and self-determination to join us in this effort. By forming a new chapter, you will be joining a powerful network of activists committed to building a more just and equitable world for all.

Central Algonquian Confederacy

Central Siouan Confederacy

Coahuiltecan Confederacy

Coastal Algonquian Confederacy

Coosan Confederacy

Gulf Tribal Confederacy

Hokan Confederacy

East Siouan Confederacy

Muskogean Confederacy

Northeastern Algonquian Confederacy

Northern Iroquois Confederacy

Northern Caddoan Confederacy

Northwestern Athabaskan Confederacy

Numic Confederacy

O'odham Confederacy

Penutian Confederacy

Osceti Sakowin Confederacy

Pueblo Confederacy

Sahaptin Confederacy

Salish Confederacy

Southern Athabaskan Confederacy

Southern Caddoan Confederacy

Suma Confederacy

Southern Iroqouis Confederacy

Plains Algic Confederacy

Yuman Confederacy

Cherokee Union

Apsaalooke Union

Cheyenne-Arapaho Union

Kiowa Union

Comanche Union

Inoka Union

Shawnee Union